First blog post EVER! Sweet! So I wanted to explain a little bit more about the naming/tagline of my blog; Tie a knot. A friend of mine was going through some hard times and was struggling to come to church. She decided to go and was surprised when her mom went up an talked. She recalled the only line that she remembered from it was her mom saying "When things get hard and you feel like you are reaching the end of your rope- tie a knot and hang on!"
Upon reflecting on this I have come to realize that we all feel like this at some point in our life. We are struggling and need some help. It is comforting to know that God is waiting for us with outstretched arms ready to help if we just call on him in prayer. For me, that knot is a relationship with my Heavenly Father (God). He cares for us and is aware of us. He wants us to be happy and he knows how to bring that about. We just need to call on him and be willing to listen. He will answer our prayers. He loves us. I know this because many times I have slipped on the rope but that knot is always there. Always keeping me where I need to be.
Just hold on.
I love that! "Tie a knot." I am so grateful for that knot at the end of my rope. Really excited for the next post!