Why do you love the people you do? They are just another human being...just another person in the world. What makes us love?
People often look to the world for love. Satan would have us believe the world is where love is found. A friend of mine explained it like this "The world is like living in saltwater, the more you drink- the thirstier you get."
Life is made to be hard. We are here to be tried and tested. Those trials and tests come in many forms. For me, when I feel low, it is usually not from others- but from myself! However, I have still been able to feel love. That love only comes from God.
The love of God is something far reaching. Love breaks down boundaries. It blows away barriers (alliteration is awesome.) It goes far beyond any outward appearance and reaches to the soul. It is key to this life to feel loved.
How can you feel this love?
God, being the ultimate source of love, has given us a way. Through prayer, scripture and applying the teachings (or Gospel ) of Jesus Christ, we can come closer to God and feel that love. We can turn away from the world and change ourselves for the better. We can improve!
"Forgiving ourselves and others is not easy. In fact, for most of us it requires a major change in our attitude and way of thinking—even a change of heart. But there is good news. This “mighty change” of heart is exactly what the gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to bring into our lives." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The truth is, when you apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you can in turn- share that love.
"There are two kinds of people in the world; those you love and those you don't know yet." -Anonymous
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